Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Juice Fast - Day 1

So here I am at the end of Day 1.  Interesting day.  Actually, not quite as bad as I would've thought.   I didn't feel too awful and I was actually able to go out today with my friend Leiann and have a nice afternoon.  I wasn't completely starving which was good and surprisingly, the juices were not nearly as bad as I would've thought.  I will say that while juicing the bathroom is your friend.  Your best, best friend.  I have never been in and out of the bathroom more in my life!  I also admit, I did incorporate some fresh, raw fruits and veggies into my diet in addition to the juices.  I just so badly needed to chew and swallow.  I figured as long as it's fruit and veggies it can't hurt so I plan on adding them into my juicing routine as needed.

I am dreading tomorrow a little though because they say it gets worse before it gets better.  I don't know if I am ready for this.  I hope I am.  I hope I can stick with it.  I guess time will tell.

8:00am - Sweet and Tart Citrus Juice (Yummy!)
12:30pm - Great Green Fruity Mix (Kale, Swiss Chard, Coconut Water and some fruit!  Not too bad)
2:40pm - An apple and a banana (Okay, I was starving........I needed something and I wasn't home!)
4:45pm - Watermelon-Cherry-Lime (Delicious!) plus a slice of watermelon and a celery stick
8:30pm - Lemon Lime (Actually, it was about 90% veggies and a little bit of fruit.  It was surprisingly good!)

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